
No. Researcher Organization Nation Research Interests E-Mail address  
1 Sacide Alsoy Altinkaya Izmir Institute of Technology Turque Drying sacidealsoy<at>iyte.edu.tr HP
2 Kyung Hyun Ahn Seoul National University Korea Rheology
ahnnet<at>snu.ac.kr HP
3 Terry Blake Consultant-wetting UK Dynamic wetting terrydblake<at>btinternet.com HP
4 Patrick Bourgin Ecole Centrale de Lyon France - patrick.bourgin<at>ec-lyon.fr HP
5 Hadj Benkreira University of Bradford UK Coating processes
Dynamic wetting
Polymer processing
H.Benkreira<at>Bradford.ac.uk HP
6 Douglas W. Bousfield University of Maine USA Fluid mechanics
Coating processes
bousfld<at>maine.edu HP
7 Jean-Marie Buchlin Von Karman Institute Belgium Multiphase flows
Coating techniques by liquid films
buchlin<at>vki.ac.be HP
8 Richard Cairncross Drexel University USA Biodiesel Production
Waste to Energy Systems
cairncross<at>drexel.edu HP
9 Marcio Carvalho PUC-Rio Brazil Microscale Free Surface Flows of Complex Liquids msc<at>puc-rio.br HP
10 Toshiharu Enomae University of Tsukuba Japan Paper t<at>enomae.com HP
11 Lorraine Francis University of Minnesota USA Coating Materials and Applications
Coating Process Fundamentals
Printed Electronics
lfrancis<at>umn.edu HP
12 Marc Fermigier University of Paris France Interfacial flows
marc.fermigier<at>espci.fr HP
13 Masahiro Fujita Josai University Japan Fluid Dynamics
fujita<at>josai.ac.jp HP
14 Philip H Gaskell Durham University UK Fluid Dynamics p.h.gaskell<at>durham.ac.uk HP
15 Andy Hrymak Western University Canada Canada Complex rheology hrymak<at>eng.uwo.ca HP
16 Brian G. Higgins UC Davis USA Hydrodynamics of Spin Coating
Optical Coatings
Flow Separation in Thin Film Coatings
bghiggins<at>ucdavis.edu HP
17 Hyun Wook Jung Korea University Korea Dynamics and stability of coating processes
Drying of particulate suspension systems
hwjung<at>grtrkr.korea.ac.kr HP
18 Yoshiyuki Komoda Kobe University Japan Rheology
komoda<at>kobe-u.ac.jp HP
19 Nik Kapur University of Leeds UK Coating processes
Porous and  microscale  flows
n.kapur<at>leeds.ac.uk HP
20 Satish Kumar University of Minnesota USA Colloid and interface science
kumar030<at>umn.edu HP
21 Ta-Jo Liu National Tsing Hua University Taiwan Coating processes tjliu<at>che.nthu.edu.tw HP
22 Laurent Limat University of Paris Diderot France Hydrodynamics
Wetting and Non-Wetting
laurent.limat<at>univ-paris-diderot.fr HP
23 Kenneth Ruschak Rochester Institute of Technology USA Coating processes
Dispersions and their rheological behavior
kjreng<at>rit.edu HP
24 Wilhelm Schabel Karlsruhe University Germany Drying wilhelm.schabel<at>kit.edu HP
25 P. Randall Schunk Sandia National Labs USA Computational fluid mechanics
Polymer processing and coating flows
prschun<at>sandia.gov HP
26 Yulii D. Shikhmurzaev University of Birmingham UK Fluid mechanics
Free-boundary problems
Capillary flows
yulii<at>for.mat.bham.ac.uk HP
27 Harvey Thompson University of Leeds UK Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Optimization of laminar and turbulent flows. 
h.m.thompson<at>leeds.ac.uk HP
28 Madhu Vinjamur India Institute of Technology Bombay India Drying madhu<at>che.iitb.ac.in HP
29 Steve Weinstein Rochester Institute of Technology USA Coating processes
Dispersions and their rheological behavior
steven.weinstein<at>rit.edu HP
30 Stephen Wilson University of Strathclyde UK Fluid mechanics s.k.wilson<at>strath.ac.uk HP
31 Masato Yamamura Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan Coating process
yamamura<at>che.kyutech.ac.jp HP
32 Jaewook Nam Sungkyunkwan University Korea Coating process
Complex fluid flow 

