The 7th European Coating Symposium

12th-14th September, 2007  University Denis Diderot (Paris 7),France

First announcement

The 7th European Coating Symposium ECS'07 will take place on 12th-14th September 2007 on the new campus "Paris Rive Gauche" of theUniversity Denis Diderot (Paris 7), Paris, France. Following theprevious editions of ECS, in Leeds, Strasbourg, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Bruxelles, Fribourg and Bradford, ECS'07 will bring together specialists from industry and academia all over the world, who share an active interest in coating processes, and related problems of wetting dynamics, interface stability and drying.

"Recent advances in coating, wetting dynamics and drying" is the subject of this symposium, which will provide a platform for the presentation of new results from fundamental and applied research as well as industrial developments. The program will include keynote lectures from both industry and academia, oral communications, and a Wine, Cheese and Poster session. Moreover, open forum discussions, software and equipment exhibitions will be organized.

The ECS'07 symposium will address, among others, the following subjects:

  • Challenges in coating processes.
  • Interfacial and bulk instabilities.
  • Topological changes, air entrainment, formation of cusps.
  • Computational fluid dynamics with interfaces and/or contact lines.
  • Contact line dynamics, from depinning transition to high speeds.
  • Solid liquid interfaces: to slip or not to slip.
  • Encapsulation, impacting liquids, unconventional coating methods.
  • Drying of coatings, drying and self-assembling, complex fluids.
  • Drying, coating and wetting at nanoscales.
  • Elasto-capillary problems.

ECS'07 will be organized by researchers from Laboratories PMMH(Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes), and MSC (Matière et Systèmes Complexes), associated with the University Denis Diderot(Paris 7), the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles of Paris (ESPCI) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

Abstract submissions are possible via @mail, see recommendations on the Web Site. The deadline is fixed to 15 March 2007. Registration forms for authors, participants and exhibitors will be available later on the site.

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  • Date :
    From 12th to 14th September 2007
  • Place :
    New Campus Paris Rive Gauche of University Paris 7, near
    the Great Library François Mitterrand and along the Quais de la Seine.
  • Local organization committee :
    Bruno Andreotti, Adrian Daerr, Marc Fermigier, Luc Lebon, Laurent Limat, David Quéré.

B. Andreotti, M. Fermigier, D. Quéré, Laboratoire PMMH, ESPCI.
A. Daerr, L. Lebon, L. Limat, Laboratoire MSC, University Paris 7.

7th European Coating Symposium 2007